Heading to Quilt Market

In a couple of hours I'll be on my way to Quilt Market in Portland. I'm experiencing that last minute packing mania: Does this green go with that grey? Will TSA find the tube of toothpaste that won't fit in my plastic bag? How many knitting projects will I realistically finish? Do I want my computer (and if so, where the heck is the cord)? What bag looks good to carry it in (since I neglected to make one)? Etc. etc. etc. Of course, all eyes will be on the fabric, not on me, so I should just lighten up!

I'll be covering Market for Etsy, Quilt Country magazine, and also for True Up! (I'm super-excited to help Kim out with that and hope to meet some of the other bloggers who are filling in for her, as well.) And I'm traveling with the Iowa City talent team of Greta Songe (fabric design), Codi Josephson (Home Ec Workshop owner), and Jenny Gordy (Wiksten). So fun to get to focus on fabric and sewing for five whole days!