All hail the royal nuptials!

So, let's hear it for Kate and William, who must not only experience the jitters that plague every couple about to make a life-long commitment, but have to pledge their troth in front of millions, including people crazy enough to get up at 4 a.m. to watch. And think about the walk down that aisle...I always watch the Oscars and marvel at the actresses who manage to make it up the stairs in heels and trailing gowns to accept their award. Imagine sashaying down that long gangplank (er, aisle) at Westminster, knowing that half the people were cheering for your uprightness and the other half (all those who imagined THEY'D be marrying the Prince) so wanted you to fall on your tush.

I have to admit that when we lived in England in the mid-80s I told my daughter (then 3 years old) that she'd be marrying the Prince someday. I even showed her Buckingham Palace, her future abode. Instead, she chose to marry three years ago...she found her own (American) prince. And I had enough trouble figuring out what to wear to their wedding...thank God I don't have to worry about a hat suitable for royal nuptials! (Thanks to my friend Susie, who brought me the lovely Kate and Will tea-towel, direct from London.)

 If you want to stay up all night in preparation for the festivities, you just might have time to knit the Royal Wedding. These fantastic figures are from Knit Your Own Royal Wedding, a book by Fiona Goble, who apparently also wrote Knitivity, a volume with instructions for knitting nativity scenes. I love that she included a royal corgi!

Best wishes to Kate and Will. May they surpass his relatives in every way (including marital bliss).

Linzeeanimals, books, knitting