I just love three-day weekends. They give you the time for those pesky, every-weekend chores—groceries, laundry, cleaning—and extra time to have a little fun, too. My weekend's included a movie (
500 Days of Summer—oh to have eyes the color of Zooey Deschanel's, and how 'bout that plethora of blue in the movie? The dresses of the women dancing by the fountain, the wall paper in Zooey's apartment, and most of her fabulous clothing), a barbecue, and time for sewing, which was pure pleasure. I haven't really had time in my sewing room since June and I was pleased to find myself as enamored with it as ever.

However, yesterday's sewing project will have to wait. First, I'll share a project I made in late June, as a result of my yoyo fixation. This little bag is not only decorated with yoyos, it holds my four yoyo makers and a set of instructions. I used scraps from
my niece's Birdie Sling and
a baby quilt. And as crazy as it seems, I actually had this zipper—when the local Hancock's went out of business I was on a little-zippered-bag-making binge and so bought lots of zippers at half off—including this turquoise one.
The bag functions just like my favorite feature on my cell phone—the one where the person's photo shows up when they call. No need to remember their number or even to read the tiny font that announces their name. The yoyo bag proudly proclaims "YO! Yoyos here" so I don't need to cogitate over whether it's the bag that holds my lipstick or the zippered pouch that stores my IShuffle. Perfect for the aging brain.